2022 | Inundated
“In his waterlogged, flooded home, a character slowly - and silently - meets his eventual demise.”
Animated and completed in early-mid 2022, “Inundated” is a short film based off Red Room Poetry poem “The Act of Water” by Duy Quang Mai. Melancholic, reflective, and hopeless-in-feeling, the short film captures the last moments of a character trapped within their flooded home.
The choice to make a silent film allowed us to place more focus into the interpretations of the characters’ actions and emotions as they go through the five stages of grief. For music, we primarily focused on foley with loose accompanying Vietnamese instruments.
For this film, I primarily played a part in being the Background Designer, Inbetweener, Colourist, and Compositor (what I worked on will be shown later below).
February - May 2022
Team Name
No Fail 😽✌️
Team Members:
Yijia “Jacaranda” Liu, Johnny Pratthana, Kylie Someya, Victoria Ren
Sound Designers:
Elden Puyat, Jonathan Sackesen, Kahn Coleman
Concept Art
Below is a wide variety of concept art I did during the project’s Pre-production stage. It includes scrapped ideas, concepts, and style frames for the final film.
Environment Design
For “Inundated”, I was responsible for all the Background / Environment Design. However, I still consulted with the other team members every time a background was completed to ensure everyone was in universal agreement with how the backgrounds looked.
Wanting to show a progression of time and the feeling of hopelessness, the house interior’s background both was colder compared to the exterior, but would also gradually shift from teal to cold blues.
Below contains various shots I helped with animating.
Credits | Scene 3
Roughs: Johnny
Inbetweens: Vic
Lineart: Kylie & Vic
Colour: Vic
Shading: Vic
Compositing: Vic
Credits | Scene 4
Roughs: Johnny
Inbetweens: Vic
Lineart: Jacaranda
Colour: Jacaranda
Shading: Johnny
Compositing: Vic
Credits | Scene 18
Roughs: Jacaranda & Johnny
Inbetweens: Vic
Lineart: Jacaranda
Colour: Kylie
Shading: Johnny
Compositing: Vic
Credits | Scene 4
Roughs: Vic & Johnny
Inbetweens: Johnny
Lineart: Vic
Colour: Jacaranda
Shading: Johnny
Compositing: Vic
Credits | Scene 22
All: Vic
Credits | Scene 18
Roughs: Johnny
Inbetweens: Vic
Lineart: Kylie
Colour: Jacaranda
Shading: Vic
Compositing: Vic
Credits | Scene 4
Roughs: Jacaranda & Johnny
Inbetweens: Vic
Lineart: Kylie
Colour: Johnny
Shading: Kylie
Compositing: Vic