2023 | Cycladelic Conflict
“Satisfaction is beyond reach as there is conflicts between the differing artistic visions of the artist and painting.”
Animated and completed in mid-late 2023, “Cycladelic Conflict” was a two-person project. The film centers around the conflict between an aspiring artist and their sentient artwork. Whilst the former struggles to figure out what to add next, the latter wishes to add their own innovations. Conflict arises through the clashing of differing visions, leading to a fight and the eventual demise of the artwork. Left with the muddy aftermath of the fight, the artist discards the painting to the side, with implications that they will once again start the same cycle and process once more.
Although we ultimately wanted to tackle the feeling of art block and the struggles of being an artist, we chose a lack of dialogue so the actions, intentions, and meaning could ultimately be left to the audience to decide.
For this film, I had an equal sharing of roles with my team member in every stage of the Pre- and Post-Production Pipeline.
August - November 2023
Team Members:
Aurelia Loho, Victoria Ren
Music Composer:
Zolt V (@zoltvastag)
Concept Art
Below contains different concept work I did for the film’s Pre-Production stage. Ranges from previous concept iterations or scrapped concepts, to style frames and character sheets.
Environment Designs
Environment Design for “Cycladelic Conflict” were equally shared between Aurelia and I. I was responsible for illustrating the backgrounds for Mari’s art studio, whilst Aurelia illustrated the more abstract fight scene backgrounds where Mari deludes themselves into their own artwork, fighting their own creation.
Below contains some of the backgrounds I did.
Below contains various shots I helped with animating.
Credits | SCE6001
Inbetweens: Vic
Lineart: Aurelia
Colour: Vic
Backgrounds: Vic
Compositing: Aurelia & Vic
Credits | SCE3001
Inbetweens: Vic
Lineart: Aurelia & Vic
Colour: Vic
Backgrounds: Aurelia
Compositing: Aurelia & Vic
Credits | SCE5001
Inbetweens - Colour: Vic
Backgrounds: Vic
Compositing: Aurelia & Vic
Credits | SCE5002-03
Inbetweens: Vic
Lineart: Aurelia
Colour: Vic
Backgrounds: Vic
Compositing: Aurelia & Vic